Greetings LOCAL 47 Colleagues!,
On Friday March 3,2006 a meeting took place in President
Espinosa’s office concerning the firing of Barbara Markay.
Below is a report by Lisa Haley from that meeting. Local 47
members Charles Fernandez and former Vice-president David
Schubach were also in attendance along with other members of
the FMA.
Following her report, we will have observations from another
Thank you for reading and BE AT THE APRIL 24th MEETING!
Dear esteemed fellow Union members:
At the Friday, March 3, 2006 meeting between Freelance Musicians
Assn-L.A. members and Local #47 officers, the following letter
was put forward by the FMA:
– a letter of request was presented to President Hal, Vince
Trombetta, and board member Leslie Lashinsky, asking the
– Barbara Markay and Errol Henry to be reinstated with back
pay, pending an inquiry as to whether our Local followed its own
policies on the dismissals.
– our Promotions Dept to be given a bona-fide office, and
restored to its former activities
– our Network Referral office to be left in its present location
– all future issues regarding Promotions Dept or Network
Referral to be put to a vote by a quorum at a general membership meeting.
– our officers to make a report setting forth evidence of what
surveys were done to support the need for re-structure of the
Promotions Dept.
– our officers to present evidence of what duties Barbara
Markay was unable or unwilling to do when asked, and where
her “skill-set” was lacking, which allegedly was the basis for her